Picking the Right Contractor
Consideration When Hiring A Contractor When planning a project to upgrade your home or yard many factors are involved. Deciding on a design, what materials to use, where to purchase materials, how to install the materials, and how much you can do while staying within your budget can be overwhelming for many homeowners. Hiring a […]
The Basics of Efflorescence In Masonry Products
What is Efflorescence? Efflorescence is the unsightly white film or buildup that grows on your concrete walls or concrete pavement. It can be as minimal as a light haze or it can be a heavier accumulation that has the appearance of snow on the surface. Rest assured the occurrence of efflorescence is a natural phenomena […]
Concrete Footings and Soil Moisture
Q: As a contractor, I often have to dig and pour concrete footings. But after long spells of dry weather, the soil at the bottom of the excavated holes can be super dry. How does the moisture content in the soil affect how bagged concrete cures? A: Bill Palmer Jr., an engineer and the editor-in-chief of Concrete Construction a sister […]
The main difference between mortar and grout is the amount of water in the mix. Grout must be made with enough water to make it pourable or pumpable but not with so much water that the grout components segregate. Grout slump generally should be between 10 1/2 and 11 inches. Mortar, on the other hand, […]
A Beautiful Concrete Patio
Does your patio need work? We can give you a free quote on the work we can do to make your old patio look beautiful.
Get Ready For Spring
Spring is just around the corner. Call us today to get us on your schedule to complete your concrete job. Call us today at: (724) 719-0174